Source code for pymanip.daq.Scope

"""Scope acquisition module (:mod:`pymanip.daq.Scope`)

This module implements a :func:`read_analog` similar to that of the
:mod:`~pymanip.daq.DAQmx` module, but for Scope devices.
It uses the :mod:`niScope` module from National Instruments.

.. autofunction:: read_analog


from niScope import Scope
from platform import platform
import time
import pymanip.mytime as MI
from import Iterable
from fluiddyn.util.terminal_colors import cprint

def print_horodateur(samples_per_chan, sample_rate):
    if platform().startswith("Windows"):
        dateformat = "%A %d %B %Y - %X (%z)"
        dateformat = "%A %e %B %Y - %H:%M:%S (UTC%z)"
    starttime = time.time()
    starttime_str = time.strftime(dateformat, time.localtime(starttime))
    endtime = starttime + samples_per_chan / sample_rate
    endtime_str = time.strftime(dateformat, time.localtime(endtime))
    print("Scope: Starting acquisition: " + starttime_str)
        "       Expected duration: %.2f min" % (samples_per_chan / (60.0 * sample_rate))
    print("       Expected end time: " + endtime_str)

[docs]def read_analog( scope_name, channelList="0", volt_range=10.0, samples_per_chan=100, sample_rate=1000.0, coupling_type="DC", ): """This function reads signal from a digital oscillosope. :param scope_name: name of the NI-Scope device (e.g. 'Dev3') :type scope_channel: str :param channelList: comma-separated string of channel number (e.g. "0") :type channelList: str :param volt_range: voltage range :type volt_range: float :param samples_per_chan: number of samples to read per channel :type samples_per_chan: int :param sample_rate: for 5922 60e6/n avec n entre 4 et 1200 :type sample_rate: float :param coupling_type: 'DC', 'AC', 'GND' :type coupling_type: str """ # Make sure scalars have the correct type, as it will otherwise # fail to convert to the corresponding Vi types samples_per_chan = int(samples_per_chan) sample_rate = float(sample_rate) channelList = str(channelList) numChannels = len(channelList.split(",")) if isinstance(volt_range, Iterable): volt_range = [float(v) for v in volt_range] else: volt_range = float(volt_range) if numChannels > 1: volt_range = [volt_range] * numChannels scope = Scope(scope_name) print("Scope:", scope_name) scope.ConfigureHorizontalTiming(sampleRate=sample_rate, numPts=samples_per_chan) scope.NumRecords = 1 if numChannels == 1: scope.ConfigureVertical(channelList=channelList, voltageRange=volt_range) else: for chan, v in zip(channelList.split(","), volt_range): print("Scope: setting chan {:s} voltage range to {:}.".format(chan, v)) scope.ConfigureVertical(channelList=chan, voltageRange=v) actualRange = scope.ActualVoltageRange(chan) if actualRange != volt_range: print( "Scope: actual range for chan {:s} is {:}".format(chan, actualRange) ) scope.ConfigureTrigger("Immediate") sampling = scope.ActualSamplingRate length = scope.ActualRecordLength print_horodateur(length, sampling) if sampling != sample_rate:"Warning: sampling frequency changed to {:} Hz.".format(sampling)) if length != samples_per_chan:"Warning: record length changed to {:d} points.".format(length)) if numChannels == 1: vRange = scope.ActualVoltageRange(channelList) if vRange != volt_range:"Warning: actual voltage range is {:} V.".format(vRange)) else: for chan, v in zip(channelList.split(","), volt_range): vv = scope.ActualVoltageRange(chan) if vv != v: "Warning: actual range for channel {:s} is {:} V.".format(chan, vv) ) scope.InitiateAcquisition() duration = samples_per_chan / sampling MI.sleep(duration) data = scope.Fetch(channelList, timeout=duration) (l, c) = data.shape print("Scope: {:d} samples read.".format(l)) scope.close() return tuple(data[:, i] for i in range(numChannels))