Source code for pymanip.mytime

"""Time utilities (:mod:`pymanip.mytime`)

This modules contains very simple functions for handling dates and times.
In particular, the :func:`datestr2epoch` is useful to read fluidlab's session timestamps
which are roughly in RFC 3339 format.

.. autofunction:: sleep

.. autofunction:: datestr2epoch

.. autofunction:: epoch2datestr

.. autofunction:: tic

.. autofunction:: toc


import datetime
from time import time
import sys
import warnings
from platform import platform
import dateutil.parser
from import tzutc, tzlocal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import six

if platform().startswith("Windows"):
    dateformat = "%A %d %B %Y - %X (%z)"
    dateformat = "%A %e %B %Y - %H:%M:%S (UTC%z)"

[docs]def sleep(duration): """Prints a timer for specified duration. This is mostly similar to :meth:`pymanip.asyncsession.AsyncSession.sleep`, except that it is meant to be used outside a session. :param duration: the duration for which to sleep :type duration: float """ debut = time() while (time() - debut) < duration: if six.PY2: sys.stdout.write( ( "Sleeping for " + str(-int(time() - debut - duration)) + " s" + " " * 35 + "\r" ).encode("utf-8") ) else: sys.stdout.write( ( "Sleeping for " + str(-int(time() - debut - duration)) + " s" + " " * 35 + "\r" ) ) sys.stdout.flush() # time.sleep(1.0) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") plt.pause(1.0) sys.stdout.write("\n")
[docs]def datestr2epoch(string): """Convert datestr into epoch. Correct string is: '2016-02-25T17:36+0100' or '2016-02-25T17:36+01:00'. UTC+1 or UTC+0100 is also accepted by this function Accepts a single string or a list of string """ if isinstance(string, str): string = string.upper() # Ci-dessous, on remplace UTC+1, UTC+01, UTC+0100 par +0100 if "UTC" in string: parts = string.split("UTC") offset = parts[1].replace(":", "") if len(offset) == 0: offset = "+0000" elif int(offset) <= 12: offset = "{:+03d}00".format(int(offset)) string = parts[0] + offset # print('New string: ', string) date = dateutil.parser.parse(string) if not date.tzinfo: raise TypeError("datestr with no timezone information " "is ambiguous !") return (date - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=tzutc())).total_seconds() else: dlist = [] for s in string: s = s.upper() # Ci-dessous, on remplace UTC+1, UTC+01, UTC+0100 par +0100 if "UTC" in s: parts = s.split("UTC") offset = parts[1].replace(":", "") if len(offset) == 0: offset = "+0000" elif int(offset) <= 12: offset = "{:+03d}00".format(int(offset)) s = parts[0] + offset # print('New string: ', string) date = dateutil.parser.parse(s) if not date.tzinfo: raise TypeError( "datestr with no timezone information " "is ambiguous !" ) dlist.append( (date - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=tzutc())).total_seconds() ) return dlist
[docs]def epoch2datestr(epoch, tz=None): """Convert epoch into datestr. If no tz is given, the output is given in Coordinated Universal Time """ if not tz: # print("Swiching to UTC") tz = tzutc() date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch, tz=tz) return date.isoformat()
tic_starts = []
[docs]def tic(): """Simple timer start. """ tic_starts.append(time())
[docs]def toc(comment=None): """Simpler timer stop. :param comment: comment for print :type comment: str, optional """ if comment is None: print("Elapsed time {:.2f} seconds.".format(time() - tic_starts[-1])) else: print(comment, "{:.2f} seconds.".format(time() - tic_starts[-1]))
if __name__ == "__main__": now = time() print("Now in local TZ:", epoch2datestr(now, tz=tzlocal())) print("Now in UTC:", epoch2datestr(now)) reference = datestr2epoch("2016-02-25T17:36UTC") for datestr in [ "2016-02-25T17:36UTC", "2016-02-25T18:36UTC+1", "2016-02-25T18:36UTC+01", "2016-02-25T18:36UTC+0100", "2016-02-25T19:36UTC+02:00", "2016-02-25T18:36+0100", "2016-02-25T17:36+0000", ]: epoch = datestr2epoch(datestr) datestr2 = epoch2datestr(epoch) epoch2 = datestr2epoch(datestr2) if epoch == epoch2 and epoch == reference: print("{:s} {:}".format(datestr, epoch))