Source code for

"""Andor Camera module (:mod:``)

This module implement the :class:`Andor_Camera` class, as a subclass
of the :class:`` base class. It uses the
third-party :mod:`pyAndorNeo` module.

.. autoclass:: Andor_Camera


import time
import asyncio
import ctypes
import struct

import numpy as np
from import MetadataArray, Camera, CameraTimeout

import AndorNeo.SDK3Cam as SDK3Cam
import AndorNeo.SDK3 as SDK3


validROIS = [
    (2592, 2160, 1, 1),
    (2544, 2160, 1, 25),
    (2064, 2048, 57, 265),
    (1776, 1760, 201, 409),
    (1920, 1080, 537, 337),
    (1392, 1040, 561, 601),
    (528, 512, 825, 1033),
    (240, 256, 953, 1177),
    (144, 128, 1017, 1225),

def parse_metadata(buf, verbose=False):
    Parse metadata at the end of buffer, happened when EnableMetadata boolean
    feature is true.(page 77 doc SDK3 manual)

    Metadata format: Frame data; CID; Length
    FrameData (CID=0), FPGA Ticks (CID=1), FrameInfo (CID=7)

    n = buf.size
    for ind in range(3):
        length = buf[n - LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE : n]
        # if verbose:
        #    print('length =', length)
        #    print('cid =', cid)
        # length = length[0]+(2**8)*length[1]+(2**16)*length[2]+\
        # (2**32)*length[3]-CID_FIELD_SIZE
        # cid = cid[0]+(2**8)*cid[1]+(2**16)*cid[2]+(2**32)*cid[3]
        length = struct.unpack("<L", length)[0] - CID_FIELD_SIZE
        cid = struct.unpack("<L", cid)[0]
        data = buf[
            - (CID_FIELD_SIZE + LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE + length) : n
        if verbose:
            print("length =", length)
            print("cid =", cid)
            print("data =", data)
        if cid == 1:
            return struct.unpack("<Q", data)[0]
            # return sum([(256**i)*b for i, b in enumerate(data)])

        n -= CID_FIELD_SIZE + LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE + length

[docs]class Andor_Camera(Camera): """Concrete :class:`` class for Andor camera. :param camNum: camera number, defaults to 0. :type camNum: int, optional """ def __init__(self, camNum=0): """Constructor method """ self.camNum = camNum # Auto properties (bound in SDK3Cam __init__) self.CameraAcquiring = SDK3Cam.ATBool() self.SensorCooling = SDK3Cam.ATBool() self.MetadataEnable = SDK3Cam.ATBool() self.TimestampClock = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.TimestampClockFrequency = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.AcquisitionStart = SDK3Cam.ATCommand() self.AcquisitionStop = SDK3Cam.ATCommand() self.CycleMode = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.ElectronicShutteringMode = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.FanSpeed = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.PreAmpGainChannel = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.PixelEncoding = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.PixelReadoutRate = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.PreAmpGain = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.PreAmpGainSelector = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.TriggerMode = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.AOIHeight = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.AOILeft = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.AOITop = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.AOIWidth = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.AOIStride = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.FrameCount = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.ImageSizeBytes = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.SensorHeight = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.SensorWidth = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.CameraModel = SDK3Cam.ATString() self.SerialNumber = SDK3Cam.ATString() self.ExposureTime = SDK3Cam.ATFloat() self.FrameRate = SDK3Cam.ATFloat() self.SensorTemperature = SDK3Cam.ATFloat() self.TargetSensorTemperature = SDK3Cam.ATFloat() self.Overlap = SDK3Cam.ATBool() self.SpuriousNoiseFilter = SDK3Cam.ATBool() self.CameraDump = SDK3Cam.ATCommand() self.SoftwareTrigger = SDK3Cam.ATCommand() self.TemperatureControl = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.TemperatureStatus = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.SimplePreAmpGainControl = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.BitDepth = SDK3Cam.ATEnum() self.ActualExposureTime = SDK3Cam.ATFloat() self.BurstRate = SDK3Cam.ATFloat() self.ReadoutTime = SDK3Cam.ATFloat() self.AccumulateCount = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.BaselineLevel = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.BurstCount = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.LUTIndex = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.LUTValue = SDK3Cam.ATInt() self.ControllerID = SDK3Cam.ATString() self.FirmwareVersion = SDK3Cam.ATString() # Initialisation self.handle = SDK3.Open(self.camNum) for name, var in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(var, SDK3Cam.ATProperty): var.connect(self.handle, name) # set some initial parameters # self.FrameCount.setValue(1) #only for fixed mode? self.CycleMode.setString("Continuous") self.SimplePreAmpGainControl.setString("11-bit (low noise)") self.PixelEncoding.setString("Mono12Packed") # Mono12Packed Mono16 # Camera object properties self.FrameRate.setValue(self.FrameRate.max()) = ( "Andor " + self.CameraModel.getValue() + " " + self.SerialNumber.getValue() ) print(
[docs] def close(self): """This method closes the Camera handle. """ SDK3.Close(self.handle)
def __exit__(self, type_, value, cb): """Context manager exit method. """ super(Andor_Camera, self).__exit__(type_, value, cb) self.close()
[docs] def set_exposure_time(self, seconds): """This method sets the camera exposure time :param seconds: exposure in seconds :type seconds: float """ self.ExposureTime.setValue(seconds)
[docs] def get_exposure_time(self): """This method returns the exposure time in seconds """ return self.ExposureTime.getValue()
[docs] def acquisition_oneshot(self, timeout=1.0): """Concrete implementation of :meth:`` for the Andor camera. """ # Make sure no acquisition is running & flush if self.CameraAcquiring.getValue(): self.AcquisitionStop() SDK3.Flush(self.handle) self.MetadataEnable.setValue(True) pc_clock = time.time() timestamp_clock = self.TimestampClock.getValue() timestamp_frequency = self.TimestampClockFrequency.getValue() # Init buffer & queue bufSize = self.ImageSizeBytes.getValue() buf = np.empty(bufSize, "uint8") SDK3.QueueBuffer( self.handle, buf.ctypes.data_as(SDK3.POINTER(SDK3.AT_U8)), buf.nbytes ) # Start acquisition self.AcquisitionStart() print("Start acquisition at framerate:", self.FrameRate.getValue()) try: # Wait for buffer exposure_ms = self.ExposureTime.getValue() * 1000 framerate_ms = 1000 / self.FrameRate.getValue() timeout_ms = int(max((2 * exposure_ms, 2 * framerate_ms, 1000))) pData, lData = SDK3.WaitBuffer(self.handle, timeout_ms) # Convert buffer into numpy image rbuf, cbuf = self.AOIWidth.getValue(), self.AOIHeight.getValue() img = np.empty((rbuf, cbuf), np.uint16) xs, ys = img.shape[:2] a_s = self.AOIStride.getValue() dt = self.PixelEncoding.getString() ticks = parse_metadata(buf) ts = (ticks - timestamp_clock) / timestamp_frequency + pc_clock SDK3.ConvertBuffer( buf.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)), img.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)), xs, ys, a_s, dt, "Mono16", ) finally: self.AcquisitionStop() return MetadataArray( img.reshape((cbuf, rbuf), order="C"), metadata={"timestamp": ts} )
[docs] async def acquisition_async( self, num=np.inf, timeout=None, raw=False, initialising_cams=None, raise_on_timeout=True, ): """Concrete implementation of :meth:`` for the Andor camera. .. todo:: add support for initialising_cams """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Make sure no acquisition is running & flush if self.CameraAcquiring.getValue(): self.AcquisitionStop() SDK3.Flush(self.handle) self.buffer_queued = False # Set acquisition mode self.CycleMode.setString("Continuous") # self.FrameRate.setValue(float(framerate)) self.MetadataEnable.setValue(True) pc_clock = time.time() timestamp_clock = self.TimestampClock.getValue() timestamp_frequency = self.TimestampClockFrequency.getValue() print("ts clock =", timestamp_clock) print("ts freq =", timestamp_frequency) # Init buffers bufSize = self.ImageSizeBytes.getValue() buf = np.empty(bufSize, "uint8") rbuf, cbuf = self.AOIWidth.getValue(), self.AOIHeight.getValue() img = np.empty((rbuf, cbuf), np.uint16) xs, ys = img.shape[:2] a_s = self.AOIStride.getValue() dt = self.PixelEncoding.getString() print("Original pixel encoding:", dt) # Start acquisition self.AcquisitionStart() print("Started acquisition at framerate:", self.FrameRate.getValue()) print("Exposure time is {:.1f} ms".format(self.ExposureTime.getValue() * 1000)) if timeout is None: exposure_ms = self.ExposureTime.getValue() * 1000 framerate_ms = 1000 / self.FrameRate.getValue() timeout_ms = int(max((2 * exposure_ms, 2 * framerate_ms, 1000))) timeout = timeout_ms try: count = 0 while count < num: if not self.buffer_queued: SDK3.QueueBuffer( self.handle, buf.ctypes.data_as(SDK3.POINTER(SDK3.AT_U8)), buf.nbytes, ) self.buffer_queued = True try: pData, lData = await loop.run_in_executor( None, SDK3.WaitBuffer, self.handle, timeout ) except Exception: if raise_on_timeout: raise CameraTimeout() else: stop_signal = yield None if stop_signal: break else: continue # Convert buffer and yield image SDK3.ConvertBuffer( buf.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)), img.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)), xs, ys, a_s, dt, "Mono16", ) ticks = parse_metadata(buf) ts = (ticks - timestamp_clock) / timestamp_frequency + pc_clock # if count == 5: # print('image min max:', np.min(img), np.max(img)) # if count < 10: # print('FPGA ticks =', ticks) # print('Timestamp =', ts) self.buffer_queued = False stop_signal = yield MetadataArray( img.reshape((cbuf, rbuf), order="C"), metadata={"counter": count, "timestamp": ts}, ) count = count + 1 if stop_signal: break finally: self.AcquisitionStop() if stop_signal: yield True
if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with Andor_Camera() as ac: ac.set_exposure_time(1e-3) img = ac.acquisition_oneshot() plt.figure() plt.imshow(img, cmap="gray")