Source code for

"""PCO Camera module (:mod:``)

This module implement the :class:`` class using
bindings to the Pixelfly library from :mod:``.

.. autoclass:: PCO_Camera

.. autofunction:: PCO_get_binary_timestamp

.. autoclass:: PCO_Buffer


import sys
import itertools
import ctypes
import datetime
import win32event

import numpy as np
import asyncio

from import MetadataArray, Camera, CameraTimeout
import as pf

[docs]def PCO_get_binary_timestamp(image): """This functions reads the BCD coded timestamp in the first 14 pixels of an image from a PCO camera. :param image: the PCO camera image buffer :type image: array :return: counter, timestamp :rtype: int, datetime We assume the following format (per PCO documentation): ========= =================== ====== Pixel Description Range ========= =================== ====== Pixel 1 Image counter (MSB) 00..99 Pixel 2 Image counter 00..99 Pixel 3 Image counter 00..99 Pixel 4 Image counter (LSB) 00..99 Pixel 5 Year (MSB) 20 Pixel 6 Year (LSB) 03..99 Pixel 7 Month 01..12 Pixel 8 Day 01..31 Pixel 9 Hour 00..23 Pixel 10 Minutes 00..59 Pixel 11 Seconds 00..59 Pixel 12 µs * 10000 00..99 Pixel 13 µs * 100 00..99 Pixel 14 µs 00..90 ========= =================== ====== """ counter = pf.bcd_to_int(image[:4], endianess="big") year = pf.bcd_to_int(image[4:6], endianess="big") month = pf.bcd_to_int(image[6]) day = pf.bcd_to_int(image[7]) hour = pf.bcd_to_int(image[8]) minutes = pf.bcd_to_int(image[9]) seconds = pf.bcd_to_int(image[10]) microseconds = pf.bcd_to_int(image[11:], endianess="big") return ( counter, datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, microseconds), )
[docs]class PCO_Buffer: """This class represents an allocated buffer for the PCO camera. It implements context manager, as well as utility function to convert to bytes and numpy array. The buffer is allocated in the constructor method, and freed either by the context manager exit method, or manually calling the :meth:`free` method. :param cam_handle: camera handle :type cam_handle: HANDLE :param XResAct: resolution in x direction :type XResAct: int :param YResAct: resolution in y direction :type YResAct: int """ def __init__(self, cam_handle, XResAct, YResAct): """Constructor method """ self.cam_handle = cam_handle self.XResAct = XResAct self.YResAct = YResAct bufSizeInBytes = XResAct * YResAct * ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.wintypes.WORD) self.bufPtr = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.wintypes.WORD)() num, event = pf.PCO_AllocateBuffer(cam_handle, -1, bufSizeInBytes, self.bufPtr) self.bufNr = num self.event_handle = event
[docs] def free(self): """This methods frees the buffer. """ pf.PCO_FreeBuffer(self.cam_handle, self.bufNr) self.bufPtr = None
def __enter__(self): """Context manager enter method """ return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, cb): """Context manager exit method """
[docs] def as_array(self): """This methods returns the buffer as a numpy array. No data is copied, the memory is still bound to this buffer. The user must copy the data if necessary. :return: image array :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return np.ctypeslib.as_array(self.bufPtr, shape=(self.YResAct, self.XResAct))
[docs] def bytes(self): """This methods returns the data as a bytearray. :return: image data :rtype: bytearray """ nval = self.XResAct * self.YResAct bufType = ctypes.wintypes.WORD * nval return bytearray(bufType.from_address(ctypes.addressof(self.bufPtr.contents)))
[docs]class PCO_Camera(Camera): """Concrete :class:`` class for PCO camera. :param interface: interface where to look for the camera, defaults to "all" :type interface: str, optional :param camera_num: camera number to look for, defaults to 0. :type camera_num: int, optional :param metadata_mode: enable PCO Metadata mode, defaults to False. :type metadata_mode: bool, optional :param timestamp_mode: enable Timestamp mode (supported by all cameras), defaults to True. :type timestamp_mode: bool, optional """ def __init__( self, interface="all", camera_num=0, *, metadata_mode=False, timestamp_mode=True ): """Constructor method .. note:: pco.sdk_manual page 10: First step is to PCO_OpenCamera As next step camera description and status should be queried by calling PCO_GetCameraDescription and PCO_GetCameraHealthStatus """ print("interface =", interface) print("camera_num =", camera_num) self.handle = pf.PCO_OpenCameraEx(interface, camera_num) self.camera_description = pf.PCO_GetCameraDescription(self.handle) warn, err, status = self.health_status() if warn or err: print("Warning bits :", warn) print("Error bits :", err) else: print("Connected to", pf.PCO_GetInfoString(self.handle)) print("Status bits :", status) pf.PCO_SetBitAlignment(self.handle, sys.byteorder == "little") self.metadata_mode = metadata_mode self.timestamp_mode = timestamp_mode if timestamp_mode: # Timestamp is supported by all cameras but the information # is written on the first 14 pixels of the transfered image pf.PCO_SetTimestampMode( self.handle, 0x0001 ) # binary mode (BCD coded in the first 14 px) else: pf.PCO_SetTimestampMode(self.handle, 0x0000) if metadata_mode: # MetaData is supported on pco.dimax and pco.edge only MetaDataSize, MetaDataVersion = pf.PCO_SetMetaDataMode(self.handle, True) self.MetaDataSize = MetaDataSize self.MetaDataVersion = MetaDataVersion
[docs] def close(self): """This method closes the connection to the camera. """ pf.PCO_CloseCamera(self.handle) self.handle = None print("Connection to camera closed.")
def __exit__(self, type_, value, cb): """Context manager exit method """ super(PCO_Camera, self).__exit__(type_, value, cb) self.close() # Query states
[docs] def health_status(self): """This method queries the camera for its health status. :return: warn, err, status """ warn, err, status = pf.PCO_GetCameraHealthStatus(self.handle) return warn, err, status
# Set camera settings
[docs] def set_adc_operating_mode(self, mode): """This function selects single or dual ADC operating mode: :param mode: "single" (or 0x0001) or "dual" (or 0x0002) :type mode: int or str - Single mode increases linearity; - Dual mode allows higher frame rates. """ if mode not in (0x0001, 0x0002): shortcut = {"single": 0x0001, "dual": 0x0002} mode = shortcut[mode] pf.PCO_SetADCOperation(self.handle, mode)
[docs] def set_pixel_rate(self, rate): """This function selects the pixel rate for sensor readout. :param rate: readout rate (in Hz) :type rate: float For PCO.1600: 10 Mhz or 40 MHz """ pf.PCO_SetPixelRate(self.handle, int(rate))
[docs] def set_trigger_mode(self, mode): """This method sets the trigger mode for the camera. :param mode: one of PCO_TriggerModeDescription :type mode: str Possible values are: ======= ============================================== mode description ======= ============================================== 0x0000 auto sequence 0x0001 software trigger 0x0002 external exposure start & software trigger 0x0003 external exposure control 0x0004 external synchronized 0x0005 fast external exposure control 0x0006 external CDS control 0x0007 slow external exposure control 0x0102 external synchronized HDSDI ======= ============================================== """ if isinstance(mode, bool): if mode: self.set_trigger_mode(0x0002) print("Trigger mode set to 0x0002 (external expoure start & software trigger") else: self.set_trigger_mode(0x0000) print("Trigger mode set to 0x0000 (auto sequence)") elif mode in pf.PCO_TriggerModeDescription: pf.PCO_SetTriggerMode(self.handle, mode) print(f"Trigger mode set to {mode:}") else: for key, val in pf.PCO_TriggerModeDescription.items(): if val == mode: break else: raise ValueError("Unknown trigger mode : " + str(mode)) pf.PCO_SetTriggerMode(self.handle, key) print(f"Trigger mode set to {key:}")
[docs] def set_delay_exposuretime(self, delay=None, exposuretime=None): """This method sets both the delay and the exposure time. :param delay: delay in seconds :type delay: float :param exposuretime: exposure time in seconds :type exposuretime: float """ if delay is None or exposuretime is None: ( delay_current, exposure_current, tb_delay, tb_exposure, ) = pf.PCO_GetDelayExposureTime(self.handle) if delay is None: delay = delay_current else: delay = delay * 1000 tb_delay = 0x0002 if delay < 1.0: delay = delay * 1000 tb_delay = 0x0001 if delay < 1.0: delay = delay * 1000 tb_delay = 0x0000 if exposuretime is None: exposuretime = exposure_current else: exposuretime = exposuretime * 1000 tb_exposure = 0x0002 if exposuretime < 1.0: exposuretime = exposuretime * 1000 tb_exposure = 0x0001 if exposuretime < 1.0: exposuretime = exposuretime * 1000 tb_exposure = 0x0000 units = {0x0000: "ns", 0x0001: "µs", 0x0002: "ms"} print("Setting delay to", int(delay), units[tb_delay]) print("Setting exposure time to", int(exposuretime), units[tb_exposure]) pf.PCO_SetDelayExposureTime( self.handle, int(delay), int(exposuretime), tb_delay, tb_exposure )
[docs] def set_roi(self, roiX0=0, roiY0=0, roiX1=0, roiY1=0): r"""This method sets the positions of the upper left corner (X0,Y0) and lower right (X1,Y1) corner of the ROI (region of interest) in pixels. :param roiX0: left border in pixels, must be :math:`1 + 32n, n \in \mathbb{N}` :type roiX0: int :param roiY0: top border in pixels, must be :math:`1 + 8n, n \in \mathbb{N}` :type roiY0`: int :param roiX1: right border in pixels, must be :math:`32m, m \in \mathbb{N}` :type roiX1: int :param roiY1: bottom border in pixels, must be :math:`8m, m \in \mathbb{N}` The minimum ROI is :math:`64\times 16` pixels, and it is required that :math:`roiX1 \geq roix0` and :math:`roiY1 \geq roiY0`. """ if (roiX0 - 1) % 32 != 0 or roiX1 % 32 != 0: raise ValueError("X0 must be 1+32n, X1 must be 32m, n, m integers") if (roiY0 - 1) % 8 != 0 or roiY1 % 8 != 0: raise ValueError("Y0 must be 1+8n, Y1 must be 8m, n, m integers") if roiX1 - roiX0 + 1 < 64 or roiY1 - roiY0 + 1 < 16: raise ValueError("Minimum ROI is 64 x 16 pixels") if roiX0 >= roiX1 or roiY0 >= roiY1: raise ValueError( "ROI expected xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax with xmax > xmin and ymax > ymin" ) print( "Setting the ROI to (X0,Y0,X1,Y1)", int(roiX0), int(roiY0), int(roiX1), int(roiY1), ) pf.PCO_SetROI(self.handle, int(roiX0), int(roiY0), int(roiX1), int(roiY1))
[docs] def set_frame_rate(self, Frameratemode, Framerate, Framerateexposure): """This method sets Frame rate (mHz) and exposure time (ns). :param Frameratemode: one of the possible framerate modes (0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003) :type Frameratemode: int :param Framerate: framerate in mHz :type Framerate: int :param Framerateexposure: Exposure time in ns :type Framerateexposure: int :return: message, framerate, exposure time :rtype: int, int, int The meaning of the framerate mode is given in this table ============== ===================================================================== Framerate mode Meaning ============== ===================================================================== 0x0000 Auto mode (camera decides which parameter will be trimmed) 0x0001 Frame rate has priority, (exposure time will be trimmed) 0x0002 Exposure time has priority, (frame rate will be trimmed) 0x0003 Strict, function shall return with error if values are not possible. ============== ===================================================================== The message value in return gives the limiting factors when the condition are not fulfilled. The meaning is given in this table ============== ========================================================================= Message Meaning ============== ========================================================================= 0x0000 Settings consistent, all conditions met 0x0001 Frame rate trimmed, frame rate was limited by readout time 0x0002 Frame rate trimmed, frame rate was limited by exposure time 0x0004 Exposure time trimmed, exposure time cut to frame time 0x8000 Return values dwFrameRate and dwFrameRateExposure are not yet validated. ============== ========================================================================= In the case where message 0x8000 is returned, the other values returned are simply the parameter values passed to the function. """ print( "Setting the frame rate and the exposure time to", Framerate, Framerateexposure, ) message, f, te = pf.PCO_SetFrameRate( self.handle, Frameratemode, Framerate, Framerateexposure ) return message, f, te
[docs] def set_noise_filter_mode(self, mode): """This method does set the image correction operating mode of the camera. Image correction can either be switched totally off, noise filter only mode or noise filter plus hot pixel correction mode. The command will be rejected, if Recording State is [run], see PCO_GetRecordingState. :param mode: the noise filter mode :type mode: int The noise filter mode: ======= ============================= Value Mode ======= ============================= 0x0000 [off] 0x0001 [on] 0x0101 [on + hot pixel correction] ======= ============================= """ pf.PCO_SetNoiseFilterMode(self.handle, mode)
[docs] def current_noise_filter_mode(self): """This methods queries the current noise filter mode. :return: the noise filter mode :rtype: int The noise filter mode: ======= ============================= Value Mode ======= ============================= 0x0000 [off] 0x0001 [on] 0x0101 [on + hot pixel correction] ======= ============================= """ return pf.PCO_GetNoiseFilterMode(self.handle)
# Properties @property def resolution(self): """Camera maximum resolution """ return self.camera_description.maximum_resolution_std @property def name(self): """Camera name """ # if hasattr(self, '_name'): # return self._name # PCO_GetCameraName is not supported by pco.1600 # self._name = pf.PCO_GetCameraName(self.handle) # return self._name return "PCO Camera" @property def bitdepth(self): """Camera sensor bit depth """ return 16
[docs] def current_delay_exposure_time(self): """This method returns current delay and exposure time in seconds. :return: delay, exposure :rtype: float, float """ delay, exposure, tb_delay, tb_exposure = pf.PCO_GetDelayExposureTime( self.handle ) return ( delay * pf.PCO_Timebases[tb_delay], exposure * pf.PCO_Timebases[tb_exposure], )
[docs] def current_trigger_mode_description(self): """This method returns the current trigger mode description. :return: description of current trigger mode :rtype: str """ return pf.PCO_TriggerModeDescription[pf.PCO_GetTriggerMode(self.handle)]
[docs] def current_adc_operation(self): """This method returns the current ADC operation mode. :return: Current ADC operation mode (0x0001 for "single", 0x0002 for "dual") :rtype: int """ return pf.PCO_GetADCOperation(self.handle)
[docs] def current_pixel_rate(self): """This method returns the current pixel rate. :return: Current pixel rate (e.g. 10 MHz or 40 MHz for the PCO.1600 :rtype: int """ return pf.PCO_GetPixelRate(self.handle)
@property def possible_pixel_rate(self): return [r for r in self.camera_description.dwPixelRateDESC]
[docs] def current_frame_rate(self): """This method returns the current frame rate. :return: Current frame rate :rtype: int """ return pf.PCO_GetFrameRate(self.handle)
[docs] def acquisition_oneshot(self): """Concrete implementation of :meth:`` for the PCO camera. """ # Arm camera pf.PCO_ArmCamera(self.handle) XResAct, YResAct, XResMax, YResMax = pf.PCO_GetSizes(self.handle) with PCO_Buffer(self.handle, XResAct, YResAct) as buffer: try: pf.PCO_SetImageParameters( self.handle, XResAct, YResAct, pf.IMAGEPARAMETERS_READ_WHILE_RECORDING, ) pf.PCO_SetRecordingState(self.handle, True) pf.PCO_GetImageEx( self.handle, 1, 0, 0, buffer.bufNr, XResAct, YResAct, 16 ) array = buffer.as_array().copy() finally: pf.PCO_SetRecordingState(self.handle, False) pf.PCO_CancelImages(self.handle) return array
[docs] async def acquisition_async( self, num=np.inf, timeout=None, raw=False, initialising_cams=None, raise_on_timeout=True, ): """Concrete implementation of :meth:`` for the PCO camera. """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if timeout is None: delay, exposure = self.current_delay_exposure_time() timeout = int(max((2000 * exposure, 1000))) # Arm camera if pf.PCO_GetRecordingState(self.handle): pf.PCO_SetRecordingState(self.handle, False) pf.PCO_ArmCamera(self.handle) warn, err, status = self.health_status() if err != 0: raise RuntimeError("Camera has error status!") XResAct, YResAct, XResMax, YResMax = pf.PCO_GetSizes(self.handle) with PCO_Buffer(self.handle, XResAct, YResAct) as buf1, PCO_Buffer( self.handle, XResAct, YResAct ) as buf2, PCO_Buffer(self.handle, XResAct, YResAct) as buf3, PCO_Buffer( self.handle, XResAct, YResAct ) as buf4: buffers = (buf1, buf2, buf3, buf4) try: pf.PCO_SetImageParameters( self.handle, XResAct, YResAct, pf.IMAGEPARAMETERS_READ_WHILE_RECORDING, ) pf.PCO_SetRecordingState(self.handle, True) for buffer in buffers: pf.PCO_AddBufferEx( self.handle, 0, 0, buffer.bufNr, XResAct, YResAct, 16 ) count = 0 buffer_ring = itertools.cycle(buffers) while count < num: if ( count == 0 and initialising_cams is not None and self in initialising_cams ): initialising_cams.remove(self) waitstat = await loop.run_in_executor( None, win32event.WaitForMultipleObjects, [buffer.event_handle for buffer in buffers], 0, timeout, ) if waitstat == win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT: if raise_on_timeout: raise CameraTimeout(f"Timeout ({timeout:})") else: stop_signal = yield None if not stop_signal: continue else: break for ii, buffer in zip(range(4), buffer_ring): waitstat = await loop.run_in_executor( None, win32event.WaitForSingleObject, buffer.event_handle, 0 ) if waitstat == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0: win32event.ResetEvent(buffer.event_handle) statusDLL, statusDrv = pf.PCO_GetBufferStatus( self.handle, buffer.bufNr ) if statusDrv != 0: raise RuntimeError( "buffer {:} error status {:}".format( buffer.bufNr, statusDrv ) ) if raw: data = {"buffer": buffer.bytes()} if self.timestamp_mode: counter, dt = PCO_get_binary_timestamp( buffer.bufPtr[:14] ) data["counter"] = counter data["timestamp"] = dt stop_signal = yield data else: if self.metadata_mode: metadata = pf.PCO_GetMetaData( self.handle, buffer.bufNr ) stop_signal = yield MetadataArray( buffer.as_array(), metadata=metadata ) elif self.timestamp_mode: counter, dt = PCO_get_binary_timestamp( buffer.bufPtr[:14] ) stop_signal = yield MetadataArray( buffer.as_array(), metadata={"counter": counter, "timestamp": dt}, ) else: stop_signal = yield buffer.as_array() count += 1 pf.PCO_AddBufferEx( self.handle, 0, 0, buffer.bufNr, XResAct, YResAct, 16 ) else: break if stop_signal: break if stop_signal: break finally: pf.PCO_SetRecordingState(self.handle, False) pf.PCO_CancelImages(self.handle) if stop_signal: yield True
if __name__ == "__main__": h = pf.PCO_OpenCameraEx("USB 3.0", 0) pf.PCO_GetInfoString(h) pf.PCO_CloseCamera(h)