Source code for

"""PixelFly library bindings (:mod:``)

This module implements bindings to the PCO PixelFly library using :mod:`ctypes`.
Please not that these bindings are not official, and that not all PixelFly functions
are wrapped. Please refer to the official PCO PixelFly documentation for accurate description
of the functions.

.. autoclass:: PCO_Image

.. autofunction:: PCO_manage_error

.. autofunction:: bcd_byte_to_str

.. autofunction:: bcd_to_int

.. autofunction:: PCO_OpenCamera

.. autofunction:: PCO_OpenCameraEx

.. autofunction:: PCO_CloseCamera

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetInfoString

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetROI

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetROI

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetFrameRate

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetFrameRate

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetCameraName

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetGeneral

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetSensorStruct

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetCameraDescription

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetCameraHealthStatus

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetRecordingStruct

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetSizes

.. autofunction:: PCO_AllocateBuffer

.. autofunction:: PCO_FreeBuffer

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetBufferStatus

.. autofunction:: PCO_ArmCamera

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetRecordingState

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetRecordingState

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetBitAlignment

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetBitAlignment

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetImageStruct

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetMetaData

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetMetaDataMode

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetMetaDataMode

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetTimestampMode

.. autofunction:: PCO_AddBufferEx

.. autofunction:: PCO_CancelImages

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetImageParameters

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetImageEx

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetDelayExposureTime

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetDelayExposureTime

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetTriggerMode

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetTriggerMode

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetADCOperation

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetADCOperation

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetPixelRate

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetPixelRate

.. autofunction:: PCO_GetNoiseFilterMode

.. autofunction:: PCO_SetNoiseFilterMode

.. data:: PCO_TriggerModeDescription

   dictionnary of trigger modes


from pathlib import Path
import ctypes

    from ctypes.wintypes import WORD, DWORD, BYTE, SHORT, LONG, HANDLE
except ValueError:
    # ValueError is raised when sphinx tries to import it on Mac and Linux
    WORD = ctypes.c_int
    DWORD = ctypes.c_longlong
    BYTE = ctypes.c_char
    SHORT = ctypes.c_short
    LONG = ctypes.c_long
    HANDLE = ctypes.c_void_p

from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Tuple, Iterable
import datetime

# Open DLL
pixelfly_possible_dllpath = [
    Path(r"C:\Program Files\Digital Camera Toolbox\Camware4\SC2_Cam.dll"),
    Path(r"C:\Program Files\PCO Digital Camera Toolbox\pco.camware\SC2_Cam.dll"),
for pixelfly_dllpath in pixelfly_possible_dllpath:
    if pixelfly_dllpath.exists():
        pixelfly_dll = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary(str(pixelfly_dllpath))
    print(pixelfly_dllpath, "not found")

# General constants
class PCO_ErrorLayer(IntEnum):
    PCO_ERROR_FIRMWARE = 0x00001000  # error inside the firmware
    PCO_ERROR_DRIVER = 0x00002000  # error inside the driver
    PCO_ERROR_SDKDLL = 0x00003000  # error inside the SDK-dll
    PCO_ERROR_APPLICATION = 0x00004000  # error inside the application

class PCO_ErrorWarningSource(IntEnum):
    SC2_ERROR_PCOCAM_POWER_CPLD = 0x00010000  # error at CPLD in pco.power unit
    SC2_ERROR_PCOCAM_HEAD_UP = 0x00020000  # error at uP of head board in
    SC2_ERROR_PCOCAM_MAIN_UP = 0x00030000  # error at uP of main board in
        0x00040000  # error at uP of firewire board in
    SC2_ERROR_PCOCAM_MAIN_FPGA = 0x00050000  # error at FPGA of main board in
    SC2_ERROR_PCOCAM_HEAD_FPGA = 0x00060000  # error at FGPA of head board in
    SC2_ERROR_PCOCAM_MAIN_BOARD = 0x00070000  # error at main board in
    SC2_ERROR_PCOCAM_HEAD_CPLD = 0x00080000  # error at CPLD of head board in
    SC2_ERROR_SENSOR = 0x00090000  # error at image sensor (CCD or CMOS)
    SC2_ERROR_SDKDLL = 0x000A0000  # error inside the SDKDLL
    SC2_ERROR_DRIVER = 0x000B0000  # error inside the driver
    SC2_ERROR_POWER = 0x000D0000  # error within power unit
    PCO_ERROR_CAMWARE = 0x00100000  # error in CamWare (also some kind of "device")
    PCO_ERROR_CONVERTDLL = 0x00110000  # error inside the convert dll

# The following bits values are those returned by
# PCO_GetCameraHealthStatus
# cf pco.sdk_manual page 36, 37, 38

class PCO_WarningBits(IntEnum):

class PCO_ErrorBits(IntEnum):

class PCO_StatusBits(IntEnum):
    STATUS_DEFAULT_STATE = 0x00000001
    STATUS_SETTINGS_VALID = 0x00000002
    STATUS_TRIGGERED_STOP = 0x00000020
    STATUS_POWER_SAVE = 0x00000100
    STATUS_POWER_SAVE_LEFT = 0x00000200
    STATUS_RESERVED = 0x80000000

# Error handling

class PCO_Error(Exception):

class PCO_Warning(RuntimeWarning):

[docs]def PCO_manage_error(ret_code): """This function raises an error exception or a runtime warning if ret_code is non-zero. :param ret_code: PCO library function return code :type ret_code: int """ if ret_code != 0: f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetErrorText f.argtypes = (DWORD, ctypes.c_char_p, DWORD) desc = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) f(ret_code, desc, 256) description = desc.raw.decode("ascii") if "warning" in description: raise PCO_Warning(description) else: raise PCO_Error(description)
# C Structure definitions class PCO_SC2_Hardware_DESC(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("szName", ctypes.c_char * 16), ("wBatchNo", WORD), ("wRevision", WORD), ("wVariant", WORD), ("ZZwDummy", WORD * 20), ] PCO_MAXVERSIONHW = 10 class PCO_HW_Vers(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("BoardNum", WORD), ("Board", PCO_SC2_Hardware_DESC * PCO_MAXVERSIONHW)] class PCO_SC2_Firmware_DESC(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("szName", ctypes.c_char * 16), ("bMinorRev", BYTE), ("bMajorRev", BYTE), ("wVariant", WORD), ("ZZwDummy", WORD * 22), ] PCO_MAXVERSIONFW = 10 class PCO_FW_Vers(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("DeviceNum", WORD), ("Device", PCO_SC2_Firmware_DESC * PCO_MAXVERSIONFW), ] class PCO_CameraType(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("wCamType", WORD), ("wCamSubType", WORD), ("ZZwAlignDummy1", WORD), ("dwSerialNumber", DWORD), ("dwHWVersion", DWORD), ("dwFWVersion", DWORD), ("wInterfaceType", WORD), ("strHardwareVersion", PCO_HW_Vers), ("strFirmwareVersion", PCO_FW_Vers), ("ZZwDummy", WORD * 39), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_CameraType, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_CameraType) def __str__(self): return """CamType: {type:} CamSubType: {subtype:} Serial number: {serial:} HW Version: {hw:} FW Version: {fw:} Interface type: {inter:}""".format( type=self.wCamType, subtype=self.wCamSubType, serial=self.dwSerialNumber, hw=self.dwHWVersion, fw=self.dwFWVersion, inter=self.wInterfaceType, ) class PCO_General(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("ZZwAlignDummy1", WORD), ("strCamType", PCO_CameraType), ("dwCamHealthWarnings", DWORD), ("dwCamHealthErrors", DWORD), ("dwCamHealthStatus", DWORD), ("sCCDTemperature", SHORT), ("sCamTemperature", SHORT), ("sPowerSupplyTemperature", SHORT), ("ZZwDummy", WORD * 37), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_General, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_General) self.strCamType.__init__() def __str__(self): return """CamType = [{camType:}] Health Warnings = {warn:} Health Errors = {err:} Health Status = {stat:} CCD Temperature = {ccd:} Power Supply Temperature = {power:}""".format( camType=str(self.strCamType), warn=self.dwCamHealthWarnings, err=self.dwCamHealthErrors, stat=self.dwCamHealthStatus, ccd=self.sCCDTemperature, power=self.sPowerSupplyTemperature, ) PCO_RECORDINGDUMMY = 22 class PCO_Recording(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("wStorageMode", WORD), ("wRecSubmode", WORD), ("wRecState", WORD), ("wAcquMode", WORD), ("wAcquEnableStatus", WORD), ("ucDay", BYTE), ("ucMonth", BYTE), ("wYear", WORD), ("wHour", WORD), ("ucMin", BYTE), ("ucSec", BYTE), ("wTimeSampMode", WORD), ("wRecordStopEventMode", WORD), ("dwRecordStopDelayImages", DWORD), ("wMetaDataMode", WORD), ("wMetaDataSize", WORD), ("wMetaDataVersion", WORD), ("ZZwDummy1", WORD), ("dwAcquModeExNumberImages", DWORD), ("dwAcquModeExReserved", DWORD * 4), ("ZZwDummy", WORD * PCO_RECORDINGDUMMY), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_Recording, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Recording) class PCO_Description(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("wSensorTypeDESC", WORD), ("wSensorSubTypeDESC", WORD), ("wMaxHorzResStdDESC", WORD), ("wMaxVertResStdDESC", WORD), ("wMaxHorzResExtDESC", WORD), ("wMaxVertResExtDESC", WORD), ("wDynResDESC", WORD), ("wMaxBinHorzDESC", WORD), ("wBinHorzSteppingDESC", WORD), ("wMaxBinVertDESC", WORD), ("wBinVertSteppingDESC", WORD), ("wRoiHorStepsDESC", WORD), ("wRoiVertStepsDESC", WORD), ("wNumADCsDESC", WORD), ("wMinSizeHorzDESC", WORD), ("dwPixelRateDESC", DWORD * 4), ("ZZdwDummypr", DWORD * 20), ("wConvFactDESC", WORD * 4), ("sCoolingSetPoints", SHORT * 10), ("ZZdwDummycv", WORD * 8), ("wSoftRoiHozStepsDESC", WORD), ("wSoftRoiVertStepsDESC", WORD), ("wIRDESC", WORD), ("wMinSizeVertDESC", WORD), ("dwMinDelayDESC", DWORD), ("dwMaxDelayDESC", DWORD), ("dwMinDelayStepDESC", DWORD), ("dwMinExposureDESC", DWORD), ("dwMaxExposureDESC", DWORD), ("dwMinExposureStepDESC", DWORD), ("dwMinDelayIRDESC", DWORD), ("dwMaxDelayIRDESC", DWORD), ("dwMinExposureIRDESC", DWORD), ("dwMaxExposureIRDESC", DWORD), ("wTimeTableDESC", WORD), ("wDoubleImageDESC", WORD), ("sMinCoolSetDESC", SHORT), ("sMaxCoolSetDESC", SHORT), ("sDefaultCoolSetDESC", SHORT), ("wPowerDownModeDESC", WORD), ("wOffsetRegulationDESC", WORD), ("wColorPatternDESC", WORD), ("wPatternTypeDESC", WORD), ("wDummy1", WORD), ("wDummy2", WORD), ("wNumCoolingSetpoints", WORD), ("dwGeneralCapsDESC1", DWORD), ("dwGeneralCapsDESC2", DWORD), ("dwExtSyncFrequency", DWORD * 4), ("dwGeneralCapsDESC3", DWORD), ("dwGeneralCapsDESC4", DWORD), ("ZZdwDummy", DWORD * 40), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_Description, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Description) @property def maximum_resolution_std(self): """ Maximum (horz, vert) resolution in std mode """ return (self.wMaxHorzResStdDESC, self.wMaxVertResStdDESC) @property def maximum_resolution_ext(self): """ Maximum (horz, vert) resolution in ext mode """ return (self.wMaxHorzResExtDESC, self.wMaxVertResExtDESC) @property def dynamic_resolution(self): """ Dynamic resolution of ADC in bit """ return self.wDynResDESC @property def possible_pixelrate(self): """ Possible pixelrate in Hz """ return tuple(self.dwPixelRateDESC) @property def possible_delay(self): """ Min delay (ns), Max delay (ms), Step (ns) """ return (self.dwMinDelayDESC, self.dwMaxDelayDESC, self.dwMinDelayStepDESC) @property def possible_exposure(self): """ Min exposure (ns), Max exposure (ms), Step (ns) """ return ( self.dwMinExposureDESC, self.dwMaxExposureDESC, self.dwMinExposureStepDESC, ) def nth_cap(self, n): return (self.dwGeneralCapsDESC1 >> n) & 0x0001 == 0x0001 @property def general_capabilities(self): return { "Noisefilter available": self.nth_cap(0), "Hotpixelfilter available": self.nth_cap(1), "Hotpixel works only with noisefilter": self.nth_cap(2), "Timestamp ASCII only available (Timestamp mode 3 enabled)": self.nth_cap( 3 ), "Dataformat 2x12": self.nth_cap(4), "Record Stop Event available": self.nth_cap(5), "Hot Pixel correction": self.nth_cap(6), "Ext.Exp.Ctrl. not available": self.nth_cap(7), "Timestamp not available": self.nth_cap(8), "Acquire mode not available": self.nth_cap(9), "Dataformat 4x16": self.nth_cap(10), "Dataformat 5x16": self.nth_cap(11), "Camera has no internal recorder memory": self.nth_cap(12), "Camera can be set to fast timing mode (PIV)": self.nth_cap(13), "Camera can produce metadata": self.nth_cap(14), "Camera allows Set/GetFrameRate cmd": self.nth_cap(15), "Camera has Correlated Double Image Mode": self.nth_cap(16), "Camera has CCM": self.nth_cap(17), "Camera can be synched externally": self.nth_cap(18), "Global shutter setting not available": self.nth_cap(19), "Camera supports global reset rolling readout": self.nth_cap(20), "Camera supports extended acquire command": self.nth_cap(21), "Camera supports fan control command": self.nth_cap(22), "Camera vert.ROI must be symmetrical to horizontal axis": self.nth_cap(23), "Camera horz.ROI must be symmetrical to vertical axis": self.nth_cap(24), "Camera has cooling setpoints instead of cooling range": self.nth_cap(25), "HW_IO_SIGNAL_DESCRIPTOR available": self.nth_cap(30), "Enhanced descriptor available": self.nth_cap(31), } def __str__(self): desc = """Maximum resolution (STD): {:} x {:} Maximum resolution (EXT): {:} x {:} Dynamic resolution: {:} bits Possible pixel rates: {:} Hz Possible delay: min {:} ns, max {:} ms, step {:} ns Possible exposure: min {:} ns, max {:} ms, step {:} ns""".format( self.maximum_resolution_std[0], self.maximum_resolution_std[1], self.maximum_resolution_ext[0], self.maximum_resolution_ext[1], self.dynamic_resolution, str(self.possible_pixelrate), self.possible_delay[0], self.possible_delay[1], self.possible_delay[2], self.possible_exposure[0], self.possible_exposure[1], self.possible_exposure[2], ) caps_dict = self.general_capabilities caps = "\n".join([k + ":" + str(caps_dict[k]) for k in caps_dict]) return desc + "\n" + caps class PCO_Description2(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("ZZwAlignDummy1", WORD), ("dwMinPeriodicalTimeDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMaxPeriodicalTimeDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMinPeriodicalConditionDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMaxNumberOfExposuresDESC2", DWORD), ("lMinMonitorSignalOffsetDESC2", LONG), ("dwMaxMonitorSignalOffsetDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMinPeriodicalStepDESC2", DWORD), ("dwStartTimeDelayDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMinMonitorStepDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMinDelayModDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMaxDelayModDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMinDelayStepModDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMinExposureModDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMaxExposureModDESC2", DWORD), ("dwMinExposureStepModDESC2", DWORD), ("dwModulateCapsDESC2", DWORD), ("dwReserved", DWORD * 16), ("ZZdwDummy", DWORD * 41), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_Description2, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Description2) NUM_MAX_SIGNALS = 20 NUM_SIGNALS = 4 NUM_SIGNAL_NAMES = 4 class PCO_Single_Signal_Desc(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("ZZwAlignDummy1", WORD), ("strSignalName", (ctypes.c_char * 25) * NUM_SIGNAL_NAMES), ("wSignalDefinitions", WORD), ("wSignalTypes", WORD), ("wSignalPolarity", WORD), ("wSignalFilter", WORD), ("dwDummy", DWORD * 22), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_Single_Signal_Desc, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Single_Signal_Desc) class PCO_Signal_Description(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("wNumOfSignals", WORD), ("strSingleSignalDesc", PCO_Single_Signal_Desc * NUM_MAX_SIGNALS), ("dwDummy", DWORD * 524), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_Signal_Description, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Signal_Description) for i in range(NUM_MAX_SIGNALS): self.strSingleSignalDesc[i].__init__() PCO_SENSORDUMMY = 7 class PCO_Sensor(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("ZZwAlignDummy1", WORD), ("strDescription", PCO_Description), ("strDescription2", PCO_Description2), ("ZZdwDummy2", DWORD * 256), ("wSensorFormat", WORD), ("wRoiX0", WORD), ("wRoiY0", WORD), ("wRoiX1", WORD), ("wRoiY1", WORD), ("wBinHorz", WORD), ("wBinVert", WORD), ("ZZwAlignDummy2", WORD), ("dwPixelRate", DWORD), ("wConvFact", WORD), ("wDoubleImage", WORD), ("wADCOperation", WORD), ("wIR", WORD), ("sCoolSet", SHORT), ("wOffsetRegulation", WORD), ("wNoiseFilterMode", WORD), ("wFastReadoutMode", WORD), ("wDSNUAdjustMode", WORD), ("wCDIMode", WORD), ("ZZwDummy", WORD * 36), ("strSignalDesc", PCO_Signal_Description), ("ZZdwDummy", DWORD * PCO_SENSORDUMMY), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_Sensor, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Sensor) self.strDescription.__init__() self.strDescription2.__init__() self.strSignalDesc.__init__() def __str__(self): return ( str(self.strDescription) + """ SensorFormat: {:} ROI: ({:}, {:}) x ({:}, {:}) PixelRate: {:} Hz""".format( self.wSensorFormat, self.wRoiX0, self.wRoiY0, self.wRoiX1, self.wRoiY1, self.dwPixelRate, ) ) class PCO_Segment(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("wXRes", WORD), ("wYRes", WORD), ("wBinHorz", WORD), ("wBinVert", WORD), ("wRoiX0", WORD), ("wRoiY0", WORD), ("wRoiX1", WORD), ("wRoiY1", WORD), ("ZZwAlignDummy1", WORD), ("dwValidImageCnt", DWORD), ("dwMaxImageCnt", DWORD), ("wRoiSoftX0", WORD), ("wRoiSoftY0", WORD), ("wRoiSoftX1", WORD), ("wRoiSoftY1", WORD), ("wRoiSoftXRes", WORD), ("wRoiSoftYRes", WORD), ("wRoiSoftDouble", WORD), ("ZZwDummy", WORD * 33), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_Segment, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Segment) class PCO_Image_ColorSet(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("sSaturation", SHORT), ("sVibrance", SHORT), ("wColorTemp", WORD), ("sTint", SHORT), ("wMulNormR", WORD), ("wMulNormG", WORD), ("wMulNormB", WORD), ("sContrast", SHORT), ("wGamma", WORD), ("wSharpFixed", WORD), ("wSharpAdaptive", WORD), ("wScaleMin", WORD), ("wScaleMax", WORD), ("wProcOptions", WORD), ("wLutSelection", WORD), ("ZZwDummy", WORD * 92), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_Image_ColorSet, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Image_ColorSet) self.wMulNormR = 0x8000 self.wMulNormG = 0x8000 self.wMulNormB = 0x8000
[docs]class PCO_Image(ctypes.Structure): """This class is a binding to the PCO_Image C Structure. """ _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("ZZwAlignDummy1", WORD), ("strSegment", PCO_Segment * 4), ("ZZstrDummySeg", PCO_Segment * 14), ("strColorSet", PCO_Image_ColorSet), ("wBitAlignment", WORD), ("wHotPixelCorrectionMode", WORD), ] def __init__(self): """Constructor method """ super(PCO_Image, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Image) for i in range(4): self.strSegment[i].__init__() for i in range(14): self.ZZstrDummySeg[i].__init__() self.strColorSet.__init__()
[docs]def bcd_byte_to_str(input_): """This function converts a one-byte bcd value into two digit string. :param input_: bcd value to convert :type input_: int :return: converted bcd value :rtype: str """ if isinstance(input_, Iterable) and len(input_) > 1: raise ValueError("Exactly one byte is expected") input_a = (int(input_) & 0xF0) >> 4 input_b = int(input_) & 0x0F return "{:d}{:d}".format(input_a, input_b)
[docs]def bcd_to_int(input_, endianess="little"): """This function converts decimal-coded value (bcd) into int. :param input_: input bcd value :type input_: byte or bytearray :return: integer value :rtype: int Decimal-encoded value format is given in this table: ============== ===== Decimal digit Bits ============== ===== 0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 ============== ===== """ if isinstance(input_, Iterable): if endianess == "little": return int("".join([bcd_byte_to_str(b) for b in reversed(input_)])) else: return int("".join([bcd_byte_to_str(b) for b in input_])) else: return int(bcd_byte_to_str(input_))
class PCO_METADATA(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("wVersion", WORD), ("bIMAGE_COUNTER_BCD", BYTE * 4), ("bIMAGE_TIME_US_BCD", BYTE * 3), ("bIMAGE_TIME_SEC_BCD", BYTE), ("bIMAGE_TIME_MIN_BCD", BYTE), ("bIMAGE_TIME_HOUR_BCD", BYTE), ("bIMAGE_TIME_DAY_BCD", BYTE), ("bIMAGE_TIME_MON_BCD", BYTE), ("bIMAGE_TIME_YEAR_BCD", BYTE), ("bIMAGE_TIME_STATUS", BYTE), ("wEXPOSURE_TIME_BASE", WORD), ("dwEXPOSURE_TIME", DWORD), ("dwFRAMERATE_MILLIHZ", DWORD), ("sSENSOR_TEMPERATURE", SHORT), ("wIMAGE_SIZE_X", WORD), ("wIMAGE_SIZE_Y", WORD), ("bBINNING_X", BYTE), ("bBINNING_Y", BYTE), ("dwSENSOR_READOUT_FREQUENCY", DWORD), ("wSENSOR_CONV_FACTOR", WORD), ("dwCAMERA_SERIAL_NO", DWORD), ("wCAMERA_TYPE", WORD), ("bBIT_RESOLUTION", BYTE), ("bSYNC_STATUS", BYTE), ("wDARK_OFFSET", WORD), ("bTRIGGER_MODE", BYTE), ("bDOUBLE_IMAGE_MODE", BYTE), ("bCAMERA_SYNC_MODE", BYTE), ("bIMAGE_TYPE", BYTE), ("wCOLOR_PATTERN", WORD), ] def __init__(self): super(PCO_METADATA, self).__init__() self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_METADATA) @property def raw_value(self): return {key[1:]: getattr(self, key).value for key in self._fields_} @property def value(self): data = self.raw_value IMAGE_COUNTER_BCD = data.pop("IMAGE_COUNTER_BCD") IMAGE_TIME_US_BCD = data.pop("IMAGE_TIME_BCD") IMAGE_TIME_SEC_BCD = data.pop("IMAGE_TIME_SEC_BCD") IMAGE_TIME_MIN_BCD = data.pop("IMAGE_TIME_MIN_BCD") IMAGE_TIME_HOUR_BCD = data.pop("IMAGE_TIME_HOUR_BCD") IMAGE_TIME_DAY_BCD = data.pop("IMAGE_TIME_DAY_BCD") IMAGE_TIME_MON_BCD = data.pop("IMAGE_TIME_MON_BCD") IMAGE_TIME_YEAR_BCD = data.pop("IMAGE_TIME_YEAR_BCD") # IMAGE_COUNTER # 0x00000001 to 0x99999999 where first byte is a # least significant byte (Little Endian) data["IMAGE_COUNTER"] = bcd_to_int(IMAGE_COUNTER_BCD) # IMAGE_DATETIME data["IMAGE_DATETIME"] = datetime.datetime( bcd_to_int(IMAGE_TIME_YEAR_BCD) + 2000, bcd_to_int(IMAGE_TIME_MON_BCD), bcd_to_int(IMAGE_TIME_DAY_BCD), bcd_to_int(IMAGE_TIME_HOUR_BCD), bcd_to_int(IMAGE_TIME_MIN_BCD), bcd_to_int(IMAGE_TIME_SEC_BCD), bcd_to_int(IMAGE_TIME_US_BCD), ) return data class PCO_Openstruct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wSize", WORD), ("wInterfaceType", WORD), ("wCameraNumber", WORD), ("wCameraNumAtInterface", WORD), ("wOpenFlags", WORD * 10), ("dwOpenFlags", DWORD * 5), ("wOpenPtr", ctypes.c_void_p * 6), ("zzwDummy", WORD * 8), ] def __init__(self, interface_type=0xFFFF, camera_number=0): self.wSize = ctypes.sizeof(PCO_Openstruct) inters = { "FireWire": 1, "Camera Link Matrox": 2, "Camera Link Silicon Software mE III": 3, "Camera Link National Instruments": 4, "GigE": 5, "USB 2.0": 6, "Camera Link Silicon Software mE IV": 7, "USB 3.0": 8, "Reserved for WLAN": 9, "Camera Link serial port only": 10, "Camera Link HS": 11, "all": 0xFFFF, } if interface_type in inters: interface_type = inters[interface_type] else: interface_type = int(interface_type) self.wInterfaceType = interface_type self.wCameraNumber = camera_number self.wCameraNumAtInterface = 0 for i in range(10): self.wOpenFlags[i] = 0 for i in range(5): self.dwOpenFlags[i] = 0 for i in range(6): self.wOpenPtr[i] = 0 # Pixelfly API functions
[docs]def PCO_OpenCamera(): """This function opens a camera device and attach it to a handle, which will be returned by the parameter ph. This function scans for the next available camera. If you want to access a distinct camera please use PCO_OpenCameraEx. Due to historical reasons the wCamNum parameter is a don’t care. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_OpenCamera f.argtypes = (ctypes.POINTER(HANDLE), WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int h = HANDLE(0) ret_code = f(ctypes.byref(h), 0) # the argument is ignored. PCO_manage_error(ret_code) # PCO_OpenCamera must be called multiple times return h
[docs]def PCO_OpenCameraEx(interface_type, camera_number): """This function opens a distinct camera, e.g. a camera which is connected to a specific interface port. :param interface_type: Interface type to look for the camera :type interface_type: int :param camera_number: ID of the camera :type camera_number: int The interface_type values are given in this table: =================================== ========================= Interface interface_type =================================== ========================= FireWire 1 Camera Link Matrox 2 Camera Link Silicon Software mE III 3 Camera Link National Instruments 4 GigE 5 USB 2.0 6 Camera Link Silicon Software mE IV 7 USB 3.0 8 Reserved for WLAN 9 Camera Link serial port only 10 Camera Link HS 11 all 0xFFFF =================================== ========================= """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_OpenCameraEx f.argtypes = (ctypes.POINTER(HANDLE), ctypes.POINTER(PCO_Openstruct)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int h = HANDLE(0) strOpenStruct = PCO_Openstruct(interface_type, camera_number) ret_code = f(ctypes.byref(h), ctypes.byref(strOpenStruct)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return h
[docs]def PCO_CloseCamera(handle): """This function closes a camera device. :param handle: handle of the camera :type handle: HANDLE """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_CloseCamera f.argtypes = (HANDLE,) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetInfoString(handle): """This function reads information about the camera, e.g. firmware versions. :param handle: camera handle :type handle: HANDLE """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetInfoString f.argtypes = (HANDLE, DWORD, ctypes.c_char_p, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) ret_code = f(handle, 0, p, 256) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return p.raw.decode("ascii")
[docs]def PCO_GetROI(handle: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """This function returns the current ROI (region of interest) setting in pixels. (X0,Y0) is the upper left corner and (X1,Y1) the lower right one. :param handle: handle of the camera :type handle: HANDLE :return: X0, Y0, X1, Y1 :rtype: int, int, int, int """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetROI f.argtypes = ( HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ) f.restype = ctypes.c_int RoiX0 = WORD() RoiY0 = WORD() RoiX1 = WORD() RoiY1 = WORD() ret_code = f( handle, ctypes.byref(RoiX0), ctypes.byref(RoiY0), ctypes.byref(RoiX1), ctypes.byref(RoiY1), ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return RoiX0.value, RoiY0.value, RoiX1.value, RoiY1.value
[docs]def PCO_SetROI(handle: int, RoiX0: WORD, RoiY0: WORD, RoiX1: WORD, RoiY1: WORD): """This function does set a ROI (region of interest) area on the sensor of the camera. :param handle: handle of the camera :type handle: HANDLE :param RoiX0: left border :type RoiX0: int :param RoiY0: upper border :type RoiY0: int :param RoiX1: right border :type RoiX1: int :param RoiY1: lower border :type RoiY1: int """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetROI f.argtypes = (HANDLE, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, RoiX0, RoiY0, RoiX1, RoiY1) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetFrameRate(handle): """This function returns the current frame rate and exposure time settings of the camera.Returned values are only valid if last timing command was PCO_SetFrameRate. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetFrameRate f.argtypes = ( HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ) f.restype = ctypes.c_int FrameRateStatus = WORD() FrameRate = DWORD() FrameRateExposure = DWORD() ret_code = f( handle, ctypes.byref(FrameRateStatus), ctypes.byref(FrameRate), ctypes.byref(FrameRateExposure), ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return FrameRateStatus.value, FrameRate.value, FrameRateExposure.value
[docs]def PCO_SetFrameRate( handle: int, FrameRateMode: WORD, FrameRate: DWORD, FrameRateExposure: DWORD ): """This function sets Frame rate (mHz) and exposure time (ns) Frame rate status gives the limiting factors if the condition are not met. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetFrameRate f.argtypes = ( HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD), WORD, ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ) f.restype = ctypes.c_int FrameRateStatus = WORD() dwFrameRate = DWORD(FrameRate) dwFrameRateExposure = DWORD(FrameRateExposure) ret_code = f( handle, ctypes.byref(FrameRateStatus), FrameRateMode, ctypes.byref(dwFrameRate), ctypes.byref(dwFrameRateExposure), ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return FrameRateStatus.value, FrameRate.value, FrameRateExposure.value
[docs]def PCO_GetCameraName(handle): """This function retrieves the name of the camera. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetCameraName f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.c_char_p, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int cameraName = ctypes.create_string_buffer(41) ret_code = f(handle, cameraName, 41) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return cameraName.raw.decode("ascii")
[docs]def PCO_GetGeneral(handle): """This function requests all info contained in the following descriptions, especially: - camera type, hardware/firmware version, serial number, etc. - Request the current camera and power supply temperatures """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetGeneral f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(PCO_General)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int strGeneral = PCO_General() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(strGeneral)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return strGeneral
[docs]def PCO_GetSensorStruct(handle): """Get the complete set of the sensor functions settings """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetSensorStruct f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(PCO_Sensor)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int strSensor = PCO_Sensor() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(strSensor)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return strSensor
[docs]def PCO_GetCameraDescription(handle): """Sensor and camera specific description is queried. In the returned PCO_Description structure margins for all sensor related settings and bitfields for available options of the camera are given. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetCameraDescription f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(PCO_Description)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int desc = PCO_Description() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(desc)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return desc
[docs]def PCO_GetCameraHealthStatus(handle): """This function retrieves information about the current camera status. """ # Call PCO_GetCameraHealthStatus function f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetCameraHealthStatus f.argtypes = ( HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ) f.restype = ctypes.c_int dwWarn = DWORD() dwErr = DWORD() dwStatus = DWORD() ret_code = f( handle, ctypes.byref(dwWarn), ctypes.byref(dwErr), ctypes.byref(dwStatus) ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return dwWarn.value, dwErr.value, dwStatus.value
[docs]def PCO_GetRecordingStruct(handle): """Get the complete set of the recording function settings. Please fill in all wSize parameters, even in embedded structures. """ strRecording = PCO_Recording() f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetRecordingStruct f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(PCO_Recording)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(strRecording)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return strRecording
[docs]def PCO_GetSizes(handle: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """This function returns the current armed image size of the camera. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetSizes f.argtypes = ( HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ) f.restype = ctypes.c_int XResAct = WORD() YResAct = WORD() XResMax = WORD() YResMax = WORD() ret_code = f( handle, ctypes.byref(XResAct), ctypes.byref(YResAct), ctypes.byref(XResMax), ctypes.byref(YResMax), ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return XResAct.value, YResAct.value, XResMax.value, YResMax.value
[docs]def PCO_AllocateBuffer( handle: int, bufNr: int, size: int, bufPtr: ctypes.POINTER(WORD), hEvent: HANDLE = 0 ) -> Tuple[int, ctypes.POINTER(WORD), int]: """This function sets up a buffer context to receive the transferred images. A buffer index is returned, which must be used for the image transfer functions. There is a maximum of 16 buffers per camera. Attention: This function cannot be used, if the connection to the camera is established through the serial connection of a Camera Link grabber. In this case, the SDK of the grabber must be used to do any buffer management. .. todo:: est-ce le cas avec le grabber Solios ? """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_AllocateBuffer f.argtypes = ( HANDLE, # handle ctypes.POINTER(SHORT), # sBufNr DWORD, # dwSize ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(WORD)), ctypes.POINTER(HANDLE), ) f.restype = ctypes.c_int sBufNr = SHORT(bufNr) hEvent = HANDLE(hEvent) ret_code = f( handle, ctypes.byref(sBufNr), size, ctypes.byref(bufPtr), ctypes.byref(hEvent) ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return sBufNr.value, hEvent.value
[docs]def PCO_FreeBuffer(handle, bufNr): """This function frees a previously allocated buffer context with a given index. If internal memory was allocated for this buffer context, it will be freed. If an internal event handle was created, it will be closed. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_FreeBuffer f.argtypes = (HANDLE, SHORT) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, bufNr) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetBufferStatus(handle, sBufNr): """This function queries the status of the buffer context with the given index: - StatusDll describes the state of the buffer context: ========== ================================================== StatusDll description ========== ================================================== 0x80000000 Buffer is allocated 0x40000000 Buffer event created inside the SDK DLL 0x20000000 Buffer is allocated externally 0x00008000 Buffer event is set ========== ================================================== - StatusDrv describes the state of the last image transfer into this buffer. * PCO_NOERROR: Image transfer succeeded * others: See error codes """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetBufferStatus f.argtypes = (HANDLE, SHORT, ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ctypes.POINTER(DWORD)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int statusDLL = DWORD() statusDrv = DWORD() ret_code = f(handle, sBufNr, ctypes.byref(statusDLL), ctypes.byref(statusDrv)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return statusDLL.value, statusDrv.value
[docs]def PCO_ArmCamera(handle): """Arms, i.e. prepares the camera for a consecutive set recording status = [run] command. All configurations and settings made up to this moment are accepted and the internal settings of the camera is prepared. Thus the camera is able to start immediately when the set recording status = [run] command is performed. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_ArmCamera f.argtypes = (HANDLE,) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetRecordingState(handle): """Returns the current Recording state of the camera: - 0x0000: camera is stopped, recording state [stop] - 0x0001: camera is running, recording state [run] """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetRecordingState f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int state = WORD() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(state)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return state.value
[docs]def PCO_SetRecordingState(handle, state): """Sets the current recording status and waits till the status is valid. If the state can't be set the function will return an error. .. note:: - it is necessary to arm camera before every set recording status command in order to ensure that all settings are accepted correctly. - During the recording session, it is possible to change the timing by calling :func:`PCO_SetDelayExposureTime`. """ if state not in (0x0000, 0x0001): raise ValueError("Wrong state value") f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetRecordingState f.argtypes = (HANDLE, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int wRecState = WORD(1 if state else 0) ret_code = f(handle, wRecState) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetBitAlignment(handle): """This function returns the current bit alignment of the transferred image data. The data can be either MSB (Big Endian) or LSB (Little Endian) aligned. Returns: - 0x0000 [MSB] - 0x0001 [LSB] """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetBitAlignment f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int bitAlignment = WORD() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(bitAlignment)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return bitAlignment.value
[docs]def PCO_SetBitAlignment(handle, littleEndian): """This functions sets the bit alignment of the transferred image data. littleEndian can be 0 or 1. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetBitAlignment f.argtypes = (HANDLE, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, littleEndian) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetImageStruct(handle): """Information about previously recorded images is queried from the camera and the variables of the PCO_Image structure are filled with this information. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetImageStruct f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(PCO_Image)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int strImage = PCO_Image() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(strImage)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return strImage
[docs]def PCO_GetMetaData(handle, bufNr): """Cameras: pco.dimax and pco.edge Query additionnal image information, which the camera has attached to the transferred image, if Meta Data mode is enabled. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetMetaData f.argtypes = (HANDLE, SHORT, ctypes.POINTER(PCO_METADATA), DWORD, DWORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int MetaData = PCO_METADATA() ret_code = f(handle, bufNr, ctypes.byref(MetaData), 0, 0) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return MetaData.value
[docs]def PCO_SetMetaDataMode(handle, MetaDataMode): """Cameras: pco.dimax and pco.edge Sets the mode for Meta Data and returns information about size and version of the Meta Data block. When Meta Data mode is set to [on], a Meta Data block with additional information is added at the end of each image. The internal buffers allocated with PCO_AllocateBuffer are adapted automatically. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetMetaDataMode f.argtypes = (HANDLE, WORD, ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int MetaDataSize = WORD() MetaDataVersion = WORD() ret_code = f( handle, MetaDataMode, ctypes.byref(MetaDataSize), ctypes.byref(MetaDataVersion) ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return MetaDataSize.value, MetaDataVersion.value
[docs]def PCO_GetMetaDataMode(handle): """Returns the current Meta Data mode of the camera and information about size and version of the Meta Data block. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetMetaDataMode f.argtypes = ( HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ) f.restype = ctypes.c_int MetaDataMode = WORD() MetaDataSize = WORD() MetaDataVersion = WORD() ret_code = f( handle, ctypes.byref(MetaDataMode), ctypes.byref(MetaDataSize), ctypes.byref(MetaDataVersion), ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return MetaDataMode.value, MetaDataSize.value, MetaDataVersion.value
[docs]def PCO_SetTimestampMode(handle, mode): """Sets the timestamp mode of the camera: ======= =================== ========================================================= mode short description long description ======= =================== ========================================================= 0x0000 [off] 0x0001 [binary] BCD coded timestamp in the first 14 pixels 0x0002 [binary+ASCII] BCD coded timestamp in the first 14 pixels + ASCII text 0x0003 [ASCII] ASCII text only (see camera descriptor for availability) ======= =================== ========================================================= """ if mode not in (0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003): raise ValueError("Bad mode value") f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetTimestampMode f.argtypes = (HANDLE, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, mode) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_AddBufferEx( handle, dw1stImage, dwLastImage, sBufNr, wXRes, wYRes, wBitPerPixel ): """This function sets up a request for a single transfer from the camera and returns immediately. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_AddBufferEx f.argtypes = (HANDLE, DWORD, DWORD, SHORT, WORD, WORD, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, dw1stImage, dwLastImage, sBufNr, wXRes, wYRes, wBitPerPixel) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_CancelImages(handle): """This function does remove all remaining buffers from the internal queue, reset the internal queue and also reset the transfer state machine in the camera. It is mandatory to call PCO_CancelImages after all image transfers are done. This function can be called before or after setting PCO_SetRecordingState to [stop]. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_CancelImages f.argtypes = (HANDLE,) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_SetImageParameters(handle, XRes, YRes, flags): """This function sets the image parameters for internal allocated resources. This function must be called before an image transfer is started. If next image will be transfered from a recording camera, flag IMAGEPARAMETERS_READ_WHILE_RECORDING must be set. If next action is to readout images from the camera internal memory, flag IMAGEPARAMETERS_READ_FROM_SEGMENTS must be set. """ if flags not in ( IMAGEPARAMETERS_READ_WHILE_RECORDING, IMAGEPARAMETERS_READ_FROM_SEGMENTS, ): raise ValueError("Wrong flag value") f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetImageParameters f.argtypes = (HANDLE, WORD, WORD, DWORD, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, XRes, YRes, flags, ctypes.c_void_p(), 0) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetImageEx( handle, segment, firstImage, lastImage, bufNr, xRes, yRes, bitsPerPixel ): """This function can be used to get a single image from the camera. The function does not return until the image is transferred to the buffer or an error occured. The timeout value for the transfer can be set with function PCO_SetTimeouts, the default value is 6 seconds. On return the image stored in the memory area of the buffer, which is addressed through parameter sBufNr. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetImageEx f.argtypes = ( HANDLE, # handle WORD, # wSegment DWORD, # dw1stImage DWORD, # dwLastImage SHORT, # sBufNr WORD, # wXRes WORD, # wYRes WORD, # wBitPerPixel ) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f( handle, segment, firstImage, lastImage, bufNr, xRes, yRes, bitsPerPixel ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
PCO_Timebases = {0x0000: 1e-9, 0x0001: 1e-6, 0x0002: 1e-3}
[docs]def PCO_SetDelayExposureTime( handle, dwDelay, dwExposure, wTimeBaseDelay, wTimeBaseExposure ): """This function sets the delay and exposure time and the associated time base values. Restrictions for the parameter values are defined in the PCO_Description structure: - dwMinDelayDESC - dwMaxDelayDESC - dwMinDelayStepDESC - dwMinExposDESC - dwMaxExposDESC - dwMinExposStepDESC Possible values for wTimeBaseDelay and wTimeBaseExposure: ======= ===== Value Unit ======= ===== 0x0000 ns 0x0001 µs 0x0002 ms ======= ===== """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetDelayExposureTime f.argtypes = (HANDLE, DWORD, DWORD, WORD, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, dwDelay, dwExposure, wTimeBaseDelay, wTimeBaseExposure) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetDelayExposureTime(handle): """Returns the current setting of delay and exposure time """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetDelayExposureTime f.argtypes = ( HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ctypes.POINTER(DWORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ctypes.POINTER(WORD), ) f.restype = ctypes.c_int delay = DWORD() exposure = DWORD() timebase_delay = WORD() timebase_exposure = WORD() ret_code = f( handle, ctypes.byref(delay), ctypes.byref(exposure), ctypes.byref(timebase_delay), ctypes.byref(timebase_exposure), ) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return delay.value, exposure.value, timebase_delay.value, timebase_exposure.value
[docs]def PCO_GetTriggerMode(handle): """Returns the current trigger mode setting of the camera """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetTriggerMode f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int triggerMode = WORD() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(triggerMode)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return triggerMode.value
PCO_TriggerModeDescription = { 0x0000: "auto sequence", 0x0001: "software trigger", 0x0002: "external exposure start & software trigger", 0x0003: "external exposure control", 0x0004: "external synchronized", 0x0005: "fast external exposure control", 0x0006: "external CDS control", 0x0007: "slow external exposure control", 0x0102: "external synchronized HDSDI", }
[docs]def PCO_SetTriggerMode(handle, mode): """Sets the trigger mode of the camera. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetTriggerMode f.argtypes = (HANDLE, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, mode) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_SetADCOperation(handle, operation): """Sets the ADC (analog-digital-converter) operating mode. If sensor data is read out using single ADC operation, linearity of image data is enhanced. Using dual ADC, operation readout is faster and allows higher frame rates. If dual ADC operating mode is set, horizontal ROI must be adapted to symmetrical values. Possible values: ======= ============= Value Mode ======= ============= 0x0001 [single ADC] 0x0002 [dual ADC] ======= ============= """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetADCOperation f.argtypes = (HANDLE, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, operation) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetADCOperation(handle): """Returns the ADC operation mode (single / dual) """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetADCOperation f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int operation = WORD() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(operation)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return operation.value
[docs]def PCO_SetPixelRate(handle, rate): """This functions sets the pixel rate for the sensor readout. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetPixelRate f.argtypes = (HANDLE, DWORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_code = f(handle, rate) PCO_manage_error(ret_code)
[docs]def PCO_GetPixelRate(handle): """Returns the current pixel rate of the camera in Hz. The pixel rate determines the sensor readout speed. """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetPixelRate f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(DWORD)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int rate = DWORD() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(rate)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return rate.value
[docs]def PCO_GetNoiseFilterMode(handle): """This function returns the current operating mode of the image correction in the camera. The noise filter mode: ======= ============================= Value Mode ======= ============================= 0x0000 [off] 0x0001 [on] 0x0101 [on + hot pixel correction] ======= ============================= """ f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_GetNoiseFilterMode f.argtypes = (HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(WORD)) f.restype = ctypes.c_int noiseFilterMode = WORD() ret_code = f(handle, ctypes.byref(noiseFilterMode)) PCO_manage_error(ret_code) return noiseFilterMode.value
[docs]def PCO_SetNoiseFilterMode(handle, mode): """This function does set the image correction operating mode of the camera. Image correction can either be switched to totally off, noise filter only mode or noise filter plus hot pixel correction mode. The command will be rejected, if Recording State is [run], see PCO_GetRecordingState. The noise filter mode: ======= ============================= Value Mode ======= ============================= 0x0000 [off] 0x0001 [on] 0x0101 [on + hot pixel correction] ======= ============================= """ if mode not in (0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0101): raise ValueError("Wrong mode value") f = pixelfly_dll.PCO_SetNoiseFilterMode f.argtypes = (HANDLE, WORD) f.restype = ctypes.c_int ret_type = f(handle, mode) PCO_manage_error(ret_type)
if __name__ == "__main__": try: h = PCO_OpenCamera() print("h =", h) info = PCO_GetInfoString(h) print("info =", info) general = PCO_GetGeneral(h) print("general =", general) sensor = PCO_GetSensorStruct(h) print("sensor =", sensor) except PCO_Error as pe: print('Error: "', pe.args[0], '"') finally: PCO_CloseCamera(h) print("Camera closed")