Source code for

"""Photometrics Camera module (:mod:``)

This module implements the :class:`` using the
`Python wrapper provided by Photometrics <>`_.
The documentation for the PVCAM SDK is available `online <>`_.

.. autoclass:: Photometrics_Camera


from time import monotonic
import asyncio
from importlib.metadata import version, PackageNotFoundError
import numpy as np
from import MetadataArray, Camera, CameraTimeout

from pyvcam import pvc
from import Camera as PVCamera

pvc_initialized = False

    pyvcam_version = version("pyvcam")
except PackageNotFoundError:
    print("PyVCam Package not found. Camera acquisition may not work.")
    pyvcam_version = None

if pyvcam_version is not None and pyvcam_version != "2.1.5":
    print("This module was tested with pyvcam 2.1.5")
    print("Installed version is", pyvcam_version)

[docs]class Photometrics_Camera(Camera): """Concrete :class:`` class for Photometrics camera.""" def __init__(self, cam_num=0, readout_port=0): """Constructor method. readout_port is camera mode: - readout_port = 0 ("Sensitivity") 12 bits, max fps = 88 - readout_port = 1 ("Speed") 8 bits, max fps = 500 - readout_port = 2 ("Dynamic Range") 16 bits, max fps = 83 """ global pvc_initialized if not pvc_initialized: print("pvc.init_pvcam") pvc.init_pvcam() pvc_initialized = True for num, cam in enumerate(PVCamera.detect_camera()): if num == cam_num: break else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to find camera num {cam_num:}.") = cam = readout_port = True print(
[docs] def close(self): """Close connection to the camera""" = None
def __exit__(self, type_, value, cb): """Context manager exit method""" super().__exit__(type_, value, cb) self.close() @property def name(self): return
[docs] def set_trigger_mode(self, external): """Set external trigger (edge rising). Possible modes are available in """ if external: if != 1: = "Edge Trigger" else: print("Fast mode cannot work with external trigger") else: = "Internal Trigger"
def get_trigger_mode(self): if == "Internal Trigger": return False return True
[docs] def set_exposure_time(self, seconds): """This method sets the exposure time for the camera. :param seconds: exposure in seconds. :type seconds: float """ = int(seconds * 1e3) print("Exposure time set to", 1000 * seconds, "ms")
[docs] def get_exposure_time(self): """This method gets the exposure time in seconds for the camera.""" return / 1e3
[docs] def set_roi(self, roiX0=0, roiY0=0, roiX1=0, roiY1=0): """This method sets the positions of the upper left corner (X0,Y0) and lower right (X1,Y1) corner of the ROI (region of interest) in pixels. """ # pyvcam set_roi appends a new ROI, and takes # s1(int) Serial coordinate 1, # p1(int) parallel coordinate 1, # width(int): num pixels in serial direction, # height(int) num pixels in parallel direction # width = roiX1 - roiX0 height = roiY1 - roiY0, roiY0, width, height)
async def get_image(self, loop, timeout): start_time = monotonic() while monotonic() - start_time < timeout: frameStatus = if frameStatus == "READOUT_FAILED": raise RuntimeError("Readout failed") else: future = loop.run_in_executor( None,, -1, # wait forever True, # oldest frame False, # no copy ) try: frame, fps, frame_count = await asyncio.wait_for( future, timeout=timeout, # loop=loop ) except asyncio.TimeoutError: print("Timeout while waiting for poll_frame") break return ( frame, fps, frame_count, ) print( "Out of the loop after", monotonic() - start_time, "second with frame status", frameStatus, ) raise CameraTimeout
[docs] async def acquisition_async( self, num=np.inf, timeout=None, raw=False, initialising_cams=None, raise_on_timeout=True, ): """Concrete implementation of :meth:`` for the Photometrics camera. timeout in milliseconds. """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if timeout is None: timeout = max((5000, 5 * self.get_exposure_time() * 1000)) try: count = 0 """ if np.isfinite(num): else: """ while count < num: if ( count == 0 and initialising_cams is not None and self in initialising_cams ): initialising_cams.remove(self) try: frame, fps, frame_count = await self.get_image(loop, timeout / 1000) except CameraTimeout: print("Camera timeout") if raise_on_timeout: raise else: stop_signal = yield None if stop_signal: break else: continue # d'après la doc, timestampBOF*timestampResN est en nanoseconds # mais il n'y a pas timestampResN, et il semble que c'est plutôt en picoseconds ? stop_signal = yield MetadataArray( frame["pixel_data"], # no copy metadata={ "counter": frame_count, "timestamp": frame["meta_data"]["frame_header"]["timestampBOF"] / 1e12, }, ) if count == 0: for k, v in frame["meta_data"]["frame_header"].items(): print(k, v) print("roi_headers", frame["meta_data"]["roi_headers"]) count += 1 if stop_signal: break finally: if stop_signal: yield True
async def empty_buffer(self, loop): start = monotonic() empty = False n = 0 while (monotonic() - start) < 1.0: future = loop.run_in_executor(None, try: _, _, _ = await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout=0.5, loop=loop) n = n + 1 except asyncio.TimeoutError: empty = True break print(n, "frames removed from circular buffer") if empty: print("Circular buffer successfully emptied") return empty
[docs] async def fast_acquisition_to_ram( self, num, total_timeout_s=5 * 60, initialising_cams=None, raise_on_timeout=True ): """Fast method (without the overhead of run_in_executor and asynchronous generator), for acquisitions where concurrent saving is not an option (because the framerate is so much faster than writting time), so all frames are saved in RAM anyway. """ count = np.empty((num,)) ts = np.empty((num,)) images = list() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: if initialising_cams and self.get_trigger_mode(): await self.empty_buffer(loop) def _sync_loop(): n = 0 while n < num: if ( n == 0 and initialising_cams is not None and self in initialising_cams ): initialising_cams.remove(self) frame, fps, frame_count = ts[n] = frame["meta_data"]["frame_header"]["timestampEOF"] / 1e12 count[n] = frame_count n = n + 1 images.append(frame["pixel_data"]) future = loop.run_in_executor(None, _sync_loop) try: await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout=total_timeout_s, loop=loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: print("Camera timeout") if raise_on_timeout: raise CameraTimeout n = len(images) print(n, "frames read.") finally: return ts[:n], count[:n], images
if __name__ == "__main__": with Photometrics_Camera() as cam: print("Exposure =", cam.get_exposure_time())